Below are some of the most common questions about using the Quint theme:

How do I install Quint? Quint can be installed by cloning the theme into your Hugo site's themes directory. Use the following command:
git clone https://github.com/victoriadrake/hugo-theme-quint themes/quint

Then, add the theme to your site’s configuration. For hugo.toml, it would be:

theme = "quint"
Can I customize the color scheme in Quint? Yes, Quint is designed to be easily customizable. You can change the color scheme by modifying the themes/quint/static/css/styles.css file where you can set your preferred colors.

Alternatively, override any CSS styles in your own custom CSS file.

What kind of support is available for Quint users? Support for Quint is provided through the GitHub repository and our great community of users. You can open issues for any bugs you encounter or suggestions you have.
Is Quint Open Source? Yes! Quint is completely open source. Check it out on GitHub.
Does Quint support multilingual sites? Yes, Quint has full support for multilingual content management through Hugo. You can configure multiple languages in your Hugo site's configuration, and Quint will handle them seamlessly. Feel free to open a pull request for your language!